Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Children are Okay

Rather than press that point I want to make one that the children are being well cared for. The so-called cages are just chain link fences that keep the children segregated by sex and age for their own protection. The more important point is that the children, many for the first time in their lives, are given medical care, attend school (including English lessons), are well fed, clothed and are safe from whatever situation forced them to make the dangerous and arduous trek from their country of birth. They have an air-conditioned living facility, the space blankets are clean and easily washed, there is fresh fruit and good meals, the children have showers and clean clothes, and are insect free (e.g. bedbugs, fleas, lice, ticks, mites). They are provided phone conversations with their parents a couple of times per week.

Frankly, for these children who have nothing, it is much much closer to summer camp than Auschwitz.

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...