Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch After-Fire Rehabilitation

To the Board of Directors of Santa Fe Trail Council and others interested in the future of Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch:
I won’t pretend to know a great deal about how to proceed with rehabilitation of SPSR, nor do I believe that anyone else within our council organization has the requisite skills and time to devote in order for SPSR ready for next camping season. I do think that if great plans aren’t in place soon for the latrines that burnt, permanent road improvements, arrangements for staff row, women’s sleeping quarters (the annex is gone), and a medical facility that provides for quarantine that the entire 2014 camping season could be lost. If that happens troops that are forced to go elsewhere may not return and SPSR could be doomed.
I suggest that Santa Fe Trail Council invest in a camp designer to work with the Board of Directors and Camping Committee to design a master plan for the future that harmonizes with existing facilities and to aggressively design replacement facilities for the summer of 2014. The American Camp Association ( could be one group to consider conducting the above suggestion. Of course, BSA can probably recommend engineers and architects (or in-house personnel) for this work.
My next suggestion is to invite contractors from SPSR’s trade territory (including Pueblo) to respond to a council Request for Proposals (RFP) that would include replacement latrines, electrical work, hot water system for the showers, and concrete pads for staff and commissioner tents, etc. The invited companies would be responsible to suggest, design, bid, and construct whatever they want in hopes of enticing the Board to award their company the work. The company winning the Board’s endorsement would be responsible for building permits, health department sign-offs, Colorado water board permits, etc.
If monies, a master plan, and a design is readied for a large building to house a dining hall, kitchen, welcome center, etc. (presently being dreamed about), then it could be included in the RFP, but probably will have to wait a year.
The insurance proceeds have not been determined, but undoubtedly won’t cover the cost of bringing the camp back to before the fire condition, and certainly not to a level to meet Scouts, Scouters, staff, and volunteer’s minimal expectations of comfort, safety and program needs. Therefore, I suggest that in addition to the fundraising efforts underway by Council Executive Stewart and the SPSR Staff Association that the Board be prepared to utilize the council’s endowment fund to assure that the camp is ready and meets modern expectations.
Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch cannot be ready with good intentions and a handful of volunteers on weekends. Winter is not far off and volunteer labor will be halted while a contractor could be in a position to work through the harsh conditions that lie ahead. A completion date of May 1 might provide sufficient time to adjust to contractor issues and supply problems in order to be ready for ranger week in early June 2014.
I hope you will ask others in your circle of influence to read and consider these suggestions.
Stephen Dean Bohrer
Alamosa, CO 81101 

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...