Thursday, May 2, 2013

Young Readers in Alamosa, Colorado

Since early January (2013) several of my fellow Kiwanians and I have been going to the elementary school each Thursday to listen to first and second graders read. It has been quite enjoyable as some are masterful and enunciate perfectly and read with passion. Unfortunately several cannot, or only barely, read at all. They are all sweet though and always want to be “next.”

One boy reads so well that I asked him one morning where he was going to attend college. He looked at me vaguely and then we talked about how he should plan on a career that needed as much education as he could get.

I have noticed several impediments to these young readers that are the result of the authors and publishers.

  • Insufficient space after a period making it less likely that new readers stop at the end of a sentence.
  • Use of contractions. The kids do not know the words let alone a combination of two unknown words. Should not the publishers wait to introduce contractions, like at grade 3?
  • Use of hyphens
Several of the books the kids choose to read to me have been written in a hand-drawn font with what looks like a felt-tip marker. The letters are not in a line and are different sizes. I hope the librarian and teachers know better than to check out such books to some of these beginning readers.

Many of my elementary teacher friends will find this post funny as they are use to these things, but I thought you would get a kick out of hearing an old man discover these issues.

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...