Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Personal Chef

Personal Chef
There may be times when you want restaurant quality meal in the comfort of your own home. A personal chef can organize menus, shop, prepare and cook all of your weekly meals and leave them packaged in containers and refrigerated or frozen for your later enjoyment.

Having a dinner party? A personal chef can create a wonderful dining experience, leaving you the time to enjoy your guests. Or perhaps celebrate a special occasion by having an in-home dinner with family or friends.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reflection on Thomas Sowell's 1-20-2012 Article

"Kodak and the Post Office"
January 20, 2012

In writing about the imminent demise of Kodak because technology moved beyond the need for film cameras he compared that to the US Post Office’s continual need to raise rates to cover its costs and how wrong it is for our government to give it a monopoly to carry first class mail. Ok, I’m with him that far, but then he throws in that rural folk should at least be covering the higher cost of delivering their mail. 

He continues, and forces me to write, when he says, “But if people who decide to live in remote areas don't pay the costs that their decision imposes on the Postal Service, electric utilities and others, why should other people be forced to pay those costs?”

I thought we lived in one big homogenous country where we looked out for one another? Silly me, we’re supposed to cover our individual costs. So with that I want my share of big city costs returned. Why should I pay taxes to cover the prisoners from Denver at the prisons in Canyon City, fuel taxes to cover the six lane highways through Denver and other big cities, the cost of community corrections in my community when the prisoners are from larger cities, sales and special use taxes to build coliseums, mental health centers, and on and on the list goes. There are a multitude of costs that large cities must pay to protect and provide the quality of life their citizens deserve. We all pay for services in large cities that rural life doesn’t need. In return we are generally reciprocated with subsidized utility rates and delivery services.

It all comes out equal in the end, unless we start getting picky and pay only for what we use. I want no part of that. 

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...