Monday, February 1, 2010

We Got It Wrong | Washington Times Communities

We Got It Wrong Washington Times Communities

The author of "We Got It Wrong" is John Creighton, a friend who serves on the St. Vrain School Board (Longmont, CO). He operates a public policy consulting company ( and writes occasional meaningful blogs that can't be ignored. This one hints that the nation may be on the wrong course with education reforms that treat students as passive objects. He suggests NCLB and Race to the Top, among others, ignore that we are in the midst of transformative change that the results thereof will startle us in a just a few years when we look back and discover that the students have moved to a more relevant model, as suggested by Clayton Christensen's Disrupting Class (2008).

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...