Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mullah embraces iPhone

I saw an article in today’s Denver Post (March 4, 2009, p2A) showing a “former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan” with an iPhone. He spent four years in Guntanamo, but he has an iPhone! “It’ easy, and modern, and I love it,” he said. He lives in Kabul, Afghanistan.

I live in northeast Colorado and I can’t have an iPhone because AT&T, the exclusive dealer for Apple’s ubiquitous iPhone, won’t serve this area. Go to and you find that for zip code 80734 “We are expanding our coverage every day but unfortunately this is one of the few areas we haven't reached yet. Please check back soon.” That’s been the message since I started checking when the iPhone was first introduced in January 2007.

What gives? How does Afghanistan and the Taliban get iPhones and we can’t have one? Come on Apple and AT&T, take care of us!

The Children are Okay

We watched last week the vitriol over the separation of children from their parents who had just illegally crossed the Rio Grande to enter ...